BLOG OF OWNER : http://bii-babey.blogspot.com/
DATE OF DESIGN: 16.03.15
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<div style='font-family:trebuchet ms; font-size:10px; position:absolute; top:0px; right:5px;'>© Skin by <a href='http://angelbii.blogspot.my/'>Bii</a>. Edited by Your Name.</div>
BLOG OF OWNER : http:/angelbii.blogspot.com/
DATE OF DESIGN: 03.14.15
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<div class='h3'>Credits</div>
<br>Basecode by <a href=''>Bii Angel</a>
<br>Redesigned by <a href=''>Your Name</a>
<br>Tutorials from <a href=''>Bii Angel</a>, <a href=''>Google</a>
<br>Materials from <a href=''>Bii Angel</a>, <a href=''>Baidu</a>
<br>Supported by <a href=''>Cbox</a>, <a href=''>Imgur</a>, <a href=''>Blogger</a>
<div id="cbox" style="display: none;">
<div class='h3'>Messages for Me</div>
<center>Replace with your cbox codes</center>